(Bill Hahn via Facebook)
Thank you all for your kind thoughts, support and condolences—the turnout was amazing. We said goodbye to Matty on Tuesday at St John’s where a crowd of 50-plus joined in a rousing chorus of “Take me out to the ball game”! The Stuyvesant Family will forever be in our hearts!
Hope your summer is going well. We know it’s only July, but it is time to get ready for the 2019/2020 baseball season. Please have your medical and consent forms completed by September 16th . We will have a fall tryout season starting on or about September 17th through October 28th for the Varsity and JV tryouts. The medical form must be completely filled out. If you are playing a fall sport your medical is good for baseball, but you will need a new consent form. All forms can be found at www.stuybaseball.org
or www.psal.org
In order to tryout next season you must have a completed:
PSAL Medical form
PSAL Parental Consent form
Please make a copy of your medical form for your file.
When completing the Medical form make sure:
a parent/guardian fills in the top section of the form and signs it
go to the doctor’s office and get a physical exam
doctor fills in ALL parts on the medical form
There is a new 3 part medical form this year. It is very important that all questions are answered on the form. The doctor must fill out both pages that concern him/her and now the form needs two doctor’s stamps. Make sure your doctor signs, dates, stamps, and writes his/her license/registry # on page 2 and 3 on the medical form
When completing the PSAL Parental form make sure:
the top section is completed
a parent/guardian reads & initials the 13 bullet points the PSAL lists
a parent/guardian signs & dates the lower portion of the form
emergency contact #’s are listed in the spaces provided
If both forms are not filled out correctly, you will not be allowed to tryout.
There will be a meeting for all players during the second week of school, a parents meeting will be announced when school begins. In the mean time please stay in baseball shape, get to the cages and throw during the summer.
You can reach the coaches at:
John Carlesi: jcarles@schools.nyc.gov 646-236-2062
I just wanted to thank all the alumni that were able to come out and join us on the field yesterday, it was a great time had by all. We had around 30 guys come out to play and listening to the younger and old alumni swap stories about their teams, coaches and the school itself was pretty cool.
I also want to thank Lee Mandell, Eric Greenleaf and Andrew Potter for helping out.
Some current seniors, Malcolm Hubbell for umpiring, Jeremy Rubin, Jared Asch and Leo Greenleaf for pinch running and playing the field for the older generation of players.
And a huge thank you to Susan Asch for putting this all together.
PS. Some players were asking where they can send donations.
You can send them right to the school:
345 Chambers Street
NY, NY 10282.
Care of the Baseball team or John Carlesi baseball coach.
Checks can be made out to Friends of Stuyvesant Baseball.
Thanks again everyone and hope to see you next year!!
[Derek Walker ’74 –Facebook]
I would like to thank Coach John, Coach Matt, Susan, Andrew and the entire Stuyvesant H.S. Baseball family for the courtesy extended to Arnold and I. The Alumni Baseball event was awesome. We left 44 years ago, and yesterday it felt like we never left. From Pegleg to Hitmen to Pegleg there was a great feeling of family.
(P.S. I hope the Hidden Ball Trick didn’t offend anyone. My team needed every edge.)
Congratulations on a great run! Best of luck next year. Coach is expecting you at Wings Night and we’re expecting you to see you at the Alumni Game!
[Coach Carlesi–Facebook]
Today we said goodbye to our seniors at our annual awards dinner. Tears and good wishes flowed to everyone but there are certain people we’d like to acknowledge. Kathy Nissenbaum and Susan Asch for leading the FSB these past two years, you made our jobs so much easier. Eric Liou and Richard Bernstein for managing the funds and controlling the info to the parents. Stephen Hubbell for keeping up our website and going above and beyond finding all the past information about the Hitmen/Peglegs teams. Jimmy Wendt and Sam Feder for being great assistant coaches all season long. The boys learned so much from you guys. David Nissenbaum for all the videos he posted, especially the final out terrible strike call. There are so many more to mention, I just want to say thank you for a great season.
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I’d like to congratulate Nathan Chandler, class of 2016, on his first college win yesterday for Kenyon College. Nathan battled back from TJ surgery during his senior year at Stuy and worked hard to get back to top form. We are very proud of him.
As the varsity gets ready to head to Florida later today, just a few reminders.
Make sure the boys have ID. Passport, NYC ID or school ID.
No liquids more than 4 ounces
Last years Stuy gear including hats. We are not wearing uniforms for scrimmages.
About $150 in spending money.
Do not overpack, space is limited in vans plus we have washer and dryers at the condo’s. I will supply detergent and teach them how to do laundry if need so.
Be at the airport around 4:30. We will meet at group check-in for United Airlines, terminal C.
If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
We hope that your summer is going well. We know it’s only July, but it is time to get ready for the 2017/2018 baseball season. We will have a fall tryout season starting on or about September 18th through October 28th for the Varsity and JV tryouts.
Please have your medical and consent forms completed by September 10th. The medical form must be completely filled out including the medical history, doctor’s exam part and parent’s signature and student information, doctor’s stamp, date of medical and the doctor’s license number and signature. Without this information you cannot participate.
Also please fill out all the spaces on the parent consent form that call for your initials. If you are playing a fall sport your medical is good for baseball, but you will need a new consent form. All forms can be found at www.psal.org or www.stuybaseball.org.
There will be a meeting for all players during the first week of school, a parents meeting will be announced when school begins. In the mean time please stay in baseball shape, get to the cages and throw during the summer.
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It is with great disappointment that I have to report that the Stuyvesant Peglegs season came to end today with a loss to Staten Island Tech HS, 3-0. Though this loss hurt, I wouldn’t have traded this season for the world. I want to thank all the seniors for all your hard work over the years and to the parents who put up with us too. Thank you to our captains Jack Archer, Tobias Lange, Solomon Medintz and Kenneth Chu for leading us to the best seeding Stuyvesant has ever had. Thanks to the rest of the seniors Joseph Halim, Lucian Wells, Danny Gendler, Daniel Scherzer, Dean Steinman, Sebastian Dittgen, and Wilson Wong. You will be greatly missed.