How to Help the Peglegs
The IRS ruling granting Friends of Stuyvesant Baseball 501(c)(3) status was issued in February of 2010.
Friends of Stuyvesant Baseball, Inc.
c/o Coach John Carlesi
Stuyvesant High School
345 Chambers Street
New York, NY 10282
New York, NY 10282
Yes, I’d like to make a tax-deductible contribution of:
- ⌂ Single ($100)
- ⌂ Double ($200)
- ⌂ Triple* ($300)
- ⌂ Home Run* ($500)
- ⌂ Other _______
Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Address:
This donation is in honor of:
This donation is in memory of:
▢ Please keep my donation anonymous.