Check out your senior year team picture! And help us identify your team mates – there are no records of team rosters, so if you can identify players please email their names and contact info to
1960 Peglegs Richie DiGiovanna, Stan Faden, Phil Trager, Robert DeLuca, Bernard Savedoff, Al Goldstein Ralph Sala, Phil Divjak, Noel Leher, Billy Hart, Larry Berg, Paul Friedman Steve Levitt, Dave Fischer, Joseph Bertini, Ronnie Cohen, Ronnie Kestenbaum, Jimmy Wertheim
▲1961 Peglegs Alan Garod, Richard Moscowitz, Russel Lowy, Alan Molson, Ronald Wurster, Paul Bridgewood
▲1962 Peglegs Pete Grauna, Bob Greenbaum, Randy Zimmerman, Nick Relsky, Richie Hott, Jeff Zwerin Bob Gross, Steven Dix, Stan Mandell, Paul Friedman, Warren Grieft, Richard Pearl William Morris, Sheldon Sachs, Henry Marrotti, Robert Diaz, Joseph Polacco, Steve Freundlich
▲1963 Peglegs Lenny Gries, Nick Babounakis, John Johnston, Mike Pertel, Terry Tchaconas, Paul Kurland, Alan Divisek, Mike Roman John Mills, Mike Jackson, Arnie Heller, Richard Magnum, Joe Schick, Whitey Sandles, Barney Davis, Tony Diorro, Steve Schwartz
▲1964 Peglegs Don Secunda, Norman Schaumburger, Jonathan Tress, Jay Teitler, Roy Baron, Michael Helperin, Geoerge Usdin Lewis Bergman, Robert Tilitz, Samuel Rosenblum, William Michaelis, Paul Kranz, Michael Coughlin, Arnold Schwartz, David Baron, Howard Weinman
▲1965 Peglegs Bruce Guttman, Manhy Toonkel,Frank DiNapoli, Preston Clark, Donald Meyers, Matt Galindo Alan Greenhut, Barry Gerchick, Fred Landes, Charles Wanzel
▲1966 Peglegs Robert Sonenthal, B. Barton McIntyre, Joel Glassman, Steven Kartagener Theodolph Jacobs,Keith Furuya, Michael Heller
▲1967 Peglegs Kenneth Richardson, Michael Colianni, Andrew Solano, Phillip Ades, Robert Hughes, Daniel Kopf, Lawrence Cahill
▲1968 Peglegs David J. Cohen, Alan Cabasso, Stephen Franciosa, Steven L. Wagner, Randall Corwin, Joseph Lee, Jeffrey A. Stonehill
▲1969 Peglegs Henry Brunning, Norman Smolek, Mark Goodman, Walter Krilov, Peter Gaffney, Peter Grassi, Derek Hooks