2014 Alumni Game

A good time was had by all. Thanks to everyone who came out and helped, contributed, played or just hung out and enjoyed the day.
Update via Facebook from Coach Carlesi:
I am sorry this took so long but it has been a crazy week for me. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in the Alumni game last Saturday. I have gotten numerous emails and calls from players thanking us for such a great event, without the FSB this would not have happened. The look on some of the old-timers faces was priceless; it was great watching them warm up and take the field; many could not believe that we have our own field now. They would share stories with me on how difficult it was to get to a field and practice and never knowing if a homeless person has set up temporary housing at home plate on the East River fields back in the 70’s and 80’s.
1 Comment
Stephen Franciosa
Were you able to download any pictures of the event? Thanks, Stephen