Sat. April 22 2017 at Herbert Lehman High School Field JV Hitmen (6) vs. Herbert Lehman (4) April 22, 2017 123456789RHE Peglegs 030210692 Lions 220000463 [via Facebook – Coach Nardiello] Stuy JV scores a road win at Lehman HS, 6-4 behind the combined pitching effort of Daniel Kim and Franklin Liou, good defense and timely hitting from Matthew Deutsch (rbi triple) and Henry Carver (triple among 3 hits). Impressive all around, including getting there for the 8:30 game start. [edited from GameChanger] Stuyvesant Peglegs JV Wins Back-And-Forth Affair Against Lehman Stuyvesant Peglegs JV and Lehman traded the lead back-and-forth on Saturday, but eventually Stuyvesant prevailed 6-4. Stuyvesant took the lead for good in the fourth inning. The game was tied at four with the Peglegs batting in the top of the fourth when there was an error, scoring one run. After Lehman went out to an early lead in the first inning, the Peglegs took the lead for good with two runs in the fourth inning. In that inning Henry Carver singled, driving in one run. Stuyvesant scored three runs in the second inning, starting with a walk by Owen Potter and a triple by Carver. Stuyvesant had nine hits in the game. Carver, Frank Liou, and Potter each collected multiple hits for Stuyvesant. Carver led the Peglegs with two runs batted in. He went 3-for-3 on the day. Liou had three stolen bases, as the Peglegs ran wild on the base paths with seven stolen bases. Powered by Narrative Science and GameChanger Media. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.