2019 Alumni Game
We are making a change for this year’s “Fun-Raiser” event – there will be NO REGISTRATION FEE (although we will gladly accept donations!).So come see your friends, play some ball, eat some food, and have a fun time.
If you want to play please RSVP so we’ll know you’re coming:
secretary.fsb@gmail.com or
Coach Carlesi at jcarles@schools.nyc.gov or 646-236-2062 or
the Friends of Stuyvesant Baseball Facebook group Alumni Game event
PHOTOS PHOTOS PHOTOS – we would love to get some older game photos for the FSB website.If you’ve got photos from your playing days that you would like to share, please bring them to the event.We’ll make copies of the photos right there during the event and return the originals to you.
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